Get a free, no-obligation review
Send us your video master and we'll make sure it meets professional standards.
If you’re not sure if your video project could benefit from authoring services, send us your video master for a free screening, with no-obligation, to evaluate all of the technical aspects of your movie or video. The Authoring House at Disc Makers will review your movie project to determine if it might benefit from additional authoring services such as graphic design, sound mastering, video editing, menu design, color correction, or motion graphics.
What are the benefits of professional authoring? Ask yourself the following questions:
- Are you satisfied with your DVD master or video project?
- Does the picture and sound quality live up to your expectations?
- Does your disc function or look the way you had imagined?
- Do you have a menu to help make viewing your disc more user-friendly or intuitive?
- Are there aspects you would like to improve or change?
- Is my video master formatted properly for DVD duplication?
- Are you looking to reorder DVDs or Blu-ray discs but some of the information has changed or needs updating?
This won’t be a sales pitch - just an honest evaluation from one of our unbiased, professional authoring engineers. This is also not a video content proofing or compatibility review, but an assessment of the technical and creative aspects of your video project.